ISO 9001-certified means an organization has met the requirements in ISO 9001, which defines an ISO 9001 Quality Management System (QMS). ISO 9001 evaluates whether our Quality Management System is appropriate and effective while forcing us to identify and implement improvements. Continuous improvement assures our customers benefit by receiving products/services that meet their requirement, and that we deliver consistent performance. Internally, we benefit from increased job satisfaction, improved morale and improved operational results (reduced scrap and increased efficiency).
HACCP certification is an international standard defining the requirements for effective control of food safety. It is built around seven principles:
- Conduct hazard analysis of biological, chemical or physical food hazards
- Determine critical control points
- Establish critical control limits, for example, minimum cooking temperature and time
- Establish a system to monitor critical control points
- Establish corrective actions
- Establish procedure for verification to confirm that the HACCP system is working effectively
- Establish documentation and record keeping
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) certification from SGS ensures the integrity of our customers’ food manufacturing process as well as our compliance with food safety regulations. Assurance of the safety and quality of food is an important consideration for consumers today. A GMP is an important enhancement to our food safety management system, which increases our customers’ confidence in our commitment to trading and producing safe, high quality food.
Kosher-certified means our customers know that we comply with a strict policy of kosher food laws, including cleanliness, purity and quality. To be certified kosher, all ingredients in every product—and the process of preparing the product—must be certified for orthodox kosher-compliance.
C-TPAT is a United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) initiative that stands for Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism. C-TPAT is a voluntary program where participants work to protect supply chains from the concealment of terrorist weapons including weapons of mass destruction.
PASST promotes companies to establish and operate management systems in occupational safety and health, based on national and international standards, in order to favor the operation of safe and hygienic work centers.